What are you?
While there are plenty of ways to get involved in Good Measure's projects, you're interested in participating in one of our creative sprints, hosted all around the country (and soon, world!). By registering in our database, you're letting us know what you care about and how we can plug you into the process.
Most of our projects are direct collaborations with creative agencies that we admire and respect. If you're interested in hosting one of our projects in-person post-COVID, or if you'd like to develop a campaign or for-good project in collaboration with our team and community, let us know by registering here.
This could mean so many different things, honestly. Basically it just means that you are a decision-maker, and can help us work with the brand that you work for. We're looking for sponsorships and long-term donors, creative partners, and collaborators that can help our creative projects scale and reach the right people.
If you're filling out this form, you probably work for (or lead) a nonprofit that needs our help. We can't work with everyone that reaches out to us, but we'll do our best to connect you with someone who can help.